Youth Programs

Groundwork’s youth programs focus on educating all ages of young people through traditional classroom-style curriculum, service learning projects, job training and leadership development.

Green Team

High School aged youth and older can take advantage of the Green Jobs programs like the Green Team and work to develop practical, personal, professional and civic skills through hands-on work and training in their own communities and public lands. We also have a robust internship program for area college students to get on-site experience working with a community-based non-profit.


School Gardens

Younger students can learn in the many school garden classrooms around Somerville.

The core of Groundwork Somerville’s mission is to educate the city’s children and youth about the environment. In our hands-on programs, children plant and harvest food, learning to make sensible choices for their own health and the health of the planet. While the youngest children learn about the role of worms in the garden ecosystem, middle graders learn about agricultural practices and their own food supply, and high schoolers and older learn on-the-job skills in environmental stewardship and civic advocacy. Groundwork is a key partner in Shape Up Somerville, a nationally recognized community-wide program that has reduced rates of childhood obesity in the city.

East Somerville
Community School